Nocebo Bird
This animatronic flower worked in real time and consisted of twenty silicone petals connected to servo motors and controlled by a digital board. The presentation included mist and lighting controlled by dmx. The flower pot was 3D printed and painted.
More spy creatures. The turtle could also lay spy eggs.
Tahra Zafar | Creature & Costume Design
A Dynym Quid with anamatronics, appeared in the casino scene with lots of other space oddities.It had face parts and tentacle moving with a performer inside. Images from the Star War official movie companion magazine. Made at Neal Scanlan studio. Pinewood.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIfsIFdvd7M Galaxy Chocolate Mechanical wings covered in feathers
Made with Guy Stevens and Charlie Hope,it had to move in two axes and 360 degrees in both directions; it was 3D printed with white LEDs inside. This was for a rock musical version of the story Crime and Punishment with set designs by Matt Deely. Opened in Moscow, May 2016
Made for 3di. The rotating spinning top has mechanics with electronics allowing it to ramp up and down in speed.