
Star Wars-The Last Jedi
A Dynym Quid with anamatronics, appeared in the casino scene with lots of other space oddities.It had face parts and tentacle moving with a performer inside. Images from the Star War official movie companion magazine. Made at Neal Scanlan studio. Pinewood.

Alice in Wonderland (1999)
Made at Jim Henson’s Creature Shop: in Alice in Wonderland, hedgehogs were famously used as croquet balls. While the object of croquet is to hit the ball with the mallet, or in this case a flamingo, the hedgehogs spend a good deal of their time tapping their feet impatiently or shaking their heads at the … Continue reading Alice in Wonderland (1999)

Merlin (2008)
Merlin is a British fantasy-adventure television programme, first broadcast on BBC1 in September 2008, loosely based on the Arthurian legends of the young wizard Merlin. Arm design

Demons ITV serie (2009)
For Coulier Harrison SFX, I was a senior animatronic designer on this TV show A fantasy drama series on ITV: a contemporary spin on the legacy of Bram Stoker’s Dracula set above and beneath the streets of modern-day London. With Philip Glenister and Mackenzie Crook.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Monster Book (2004)
Warner Brothers Senior animatronics designer on the Monster Book

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Senior animatronics designer on the creature effects team including work on the Basilisk and the Spiders, especially the one attacking the car. Basilisk

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Werewolf
Warner Brothers Senior animatronics designer: Werewolf team.