Category Archives: Blog

Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie three months working on the armature changes onthe lead character Sparky under Andy Gents puppet hospital.The original that was made by Richard at Mackinno…

Gadiva awakes the summer at Artem with the team making a six meter tall walking Lady Godiva. She will be walking in Coventry and London next July.Photo is of Jamie Lawrence, artist and musician.…

Lady Gaga

This animatronic dress was for her tour, made with Vin Burnham through Jim Henson and Baker Coogan at Elstree Studios.The press call it ‘The Living Dress”

Harry Potter

Harry Potter, its been five years since I was last there, this was helped finish off making the mechanics for a twitching body ofCharity Burbage, with Jimmy Sandys, Joe Scott and Steve Wrightand Adam keenan.


Fantastic Mr Fox is out so I hope I now can show someof the armatures that I have made. Lots of thanks for thosewho tough me how to do this.