Nocebo Bird
This animatronic flower worked in real time and consisted of twenty silicone petals connected to servo motors and controlled by a digital board. The presentation included mist and lighting controlled by dmx. The flower pot was 3D printed and painted.
More spy creatures. The turtle could also lay spy eggs.
A Dynym Quid with anamatronics, appeared in the casino scene with lots of other space oddities.It had face parts and tentacle moving with a performer inside. Images from the Star War official movie companion magazine. Made at Neal Scanlan studio. Pinewood.
A very big challenge. This job was for the art project ” I Am Sad Leyla ” by Hussein Chalayan, and displayed at Galerist in Istanbul. The team made a wig that could change styles: fringe and hair-length grew and reversed again. We had layers of skullcaps to cope with the different styles and … Continue Reading … Continue reading Hussein Chalayan: Wig
Warner Brothers Senior animatronics designer: Werewolf team.
Warner Brothers Senior animatronics designer on the Monster Book
I was an animatronic designer for Jim Henson’s creature shop for this project. Original sketch